Acting workshop online

Warsztaty aktorskie

Podczas warsztatu w bezpiecznych warunkach uczestnicy poznają możliwości i granice własnej ekspresji. W planach rozgrzewka koncentrująca się na takich elementach jak: wydobywanie głosu w ruchu, ilustrowanie zdań ruchem, świadomy oddech oraz inne techniki, z których korzystają zawodowi aktorzy na co dzień.


Zoom/Webex/MS Teams


2-3 hours

Group size:

5 - 100


Polish, English


creativity booster

exploring ones own expression

getting to know each other better in a unusual context

The workshop consists of a number of activities each of which is focused on different aspect of acting. There is a warm up focused on such acting components as voice in motion, body language, mindful breathing and other techniques that are used by professionals on a daily basis.

After the warmup the participants will have a chance to develop stage imagination, they will explore their natural style and engage into various intuitive plays.

During the workshop the participants will play short scenes, both individual and in pairs with use of various improvised theatre techniques.

The acting workshop online is a perfect choice for those who apart from fun and integration are willing to gain some practical skills that might be useful outside of theater or cinema.

See also